Monday, November 28, 2011

relationship advice!

Relationships are one of the most important things in life. Almost everyone wants someone to love him or her, or at least someone to have as a companion. 

Relationships mean different things to different people, but it’s important for the two people in any couple to have similar desires in regards to the relationship.

If one partner wants marriage and children, and the other partner wants an open relationship, this relationship isn’t likely to work. If it did work, it would take a tremendous amount of effort on the part of both people, and it would also probably take a lot of therapy and patience.

The key to having a healthy relationship isn’t working at it. The key to having a healthy relationship is finding a partner that doesn’t require a lot of work to be in a relationship with in the first place. It may be true that opposites attract, but they don’t stick together for long!

If you’re already in a relationship with someone and it seems to be taking a lot of work, you have two choices. You can either get out of that relationship and try to find a more compatible partner, or you can stick it out and try to make it work.

If you decide to stick it out, you’re probably both going to end up being very miserable for many years and it may still not work, but that’s a decision you both have to make. You might be able to make it work if you’re both willing to make some changes and perhaps attend therapy sessions together. Otherwise it may be a life of misery for both of you.

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