Monday, November 28, 2011


Do you ever have one of those days where you look in the mirror and feel like crawling right back into bed? Or, as you pass by a store window while you’re out and about, you catch a glimpse of yourself and wonder, is that really me? Almost everyone deals with these kind of thoughts, but the negative feelings associated with them can be harmful to anyone’s self-esteem if they are left to ruminate in the mind.
Being confident in yourself doesn’t just mean being confident in how you look. In fact, it’s even more important that you feel confident in who you are before you begin working on your own self-image.
When you feel bombarded by negative thoughts about yourself, STOP. Think to yourself, why am I feeling this way? Am I being realistic? What are some positives about myself? Don’t let yourself fall back into that negative thinking pattern. You have to consciously turn your thoughts around from negative to positive.
Here are some methods that you can use when you start having negative thoughts about yourself:
  • Step back for a minute. What would a completely unbiased person outside of this situation say about me? Am I simply being too hard on myself?
  • Gauge the situation. Is what I’m worrying over really that big of a deal?
  • Ask for advice. Who is someone I trust that will support me and give me honest advice?
  • Write about it. Write down your feelings at the moment, whether it be online in a blog form, on a piece of paper, or on your phone. In a few days, look back at your notes and you’ll see that your worries really weren’t that bad after all!
And lastly, I leave you with this video. It always cheers me up!

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